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Inspire Teach Kinder

Kindergarten Scope And Sequence

My Story

For over 13 years, I was blessed with the magical opportunity to teach Kindergarten and preschool. As my life circumstances changed, I made the decision to devote my knowledge and passion in a way that can inspire others to create a dynamic learning environment. Currently, I design Montessori-inspired "downloadable resources," including: scope and sequence maps, digital emergent readers, picture cards, flash cards, and units (with an emphasis on using real photos) for Kindergarten, Preschool & Home school. My goal is to continuously expand this site so that I may provide a wealth of meaningful resources, activities, and recommendations for teachers, parents, and caregivers who want to inspire children to be curious, creative, and independent! You can find my downloadable products on Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT)! I  create new products weekly!


Love, Mrs. Ferrell



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